By-Laws Officer Duties


The President shall (i) represent the Club in all matters, (ii) be the presiding officer at all meetings of the Board of Directos and the members of the Club, (iii) have general supervision and control of all matters, affairs, and business of the Club, (iv) provide a report at the annual meeting concerning the work of the past year and shall perform such duties as the Board may from time to time prescribe.

Vice President

The Vice President or any Vice Presidents shall, in the order of priority of appointment, assist the President whenever requested by the President and shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to act and shall perform such other duties as determined by the Board of Directors.

Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall (i) record the minutes of all meetings of the Club, (ii) maintain all records of the proceedings and matters pertaining to the Club, (iii) be the custodian of all documents regarding the Club (which documents shall be made available for inspection by any member of the Club).

Assistant Recording Secretary

The Assistant Recording Secretary shall assist the Recording Secretary whenever requested by the Recording Secretary and shall have all the pwers and performs all the duties of the Recording Secretary in the absence or inability of the Recording Secretary to act and shall perform such other duties as determined by the Board of Directors.

Correspondence Secretary

The Correspondence Secretary shall (i) be responsible for all correspondence, (ii) notify all directors and officers of all meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and officers, and notify all members of all meetings involving them, and be responsible for the coordination of the Yomitan Club newsletter.

Assistant Correspondence Secretary

The Assistant Correspondence Secretary shall assist the Correspondence Secretary whenever reqeusted by the Correspondence Secretary and shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Correspondence Secretary in the absence of inability of the Correspondence Secretary to act and shall perform such other duties as determined by the Board of Directors.


The Treasurer shall (i) have care and custody of the monies and funds of the Club and receive, disburse and, subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, invest said monies and funds, (ii) deposit all monies and funds received by the Club in a local financial institution designated by the Board of Directors, (iii) keep an accurate written account of such funds and make and render reports to the Board of Directors at its meetings and at such other time as may be required by the Board of Directors, (iv) obtain approval of the Board of Directors of all transactions involving sums in excess of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00).

Assistant Treasurer

The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer whenever requested by the Treasurer and shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Treasurer in the absence or inability of the Treasurer to act and shall perform such other duties as determined by the Board of Directors.